Thanks for this Kristine, a very large topic indeed, and you have done a great job in expressing yourself here. Like another comment below, it is very hard to express these feelings without being articulate and not offending anyone, there is always someone who comes up with an argument..

I have two daughters who are on their way to becoming full fledged vegans and are gently pushing their mother in that direction. Very gently, tiny steps.

Thanks so much for your writings, snippets and wuzzles, both great. Love the sketches, they are so lovely and certainly add much to the content.

Thanks Kristine!

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*I don't expect you to write back Kristine, as I know this is long! It just felt good to get it out.

Thank you for writing this šŸ’œ I have had many of these feelings, but have trouble saying or writing them, as I don't feel I'm using the correct words or saying it the right way. So when I was reading this, I kept shouting "YES, that's how I feel!" I'm very grateful to you for that.

Craig and I have been vegetarians since our early 20's and have much too slowly (we stopped cheese & honey a few years back, and eggs just a while back), been heading toward being vegan.

When I feel my heart & mind might actually break for knowing about all the mistreated & misunderstood animals out there, I think of all the joyful encounters I've had with domestic and wild lovely creatures. I hadn't thought of it before, but maybe drawing them helps me heal as well šŸ’› Thank you again for speaking for all creatures small and big.

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Thanks for your passionate article about how devastating animal agriculture is. Iā€™m on a path to a plant-based diet, and I believe this mindset in becoming more popular with public awareness. Animal welfare is a key consideration but so is our environment and climate, and personal health. There are many positive reasons to collectively move to a plant based diet, and I really think it will be essential if we want planet Earth to carry on! Thanks Kristine!!

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Iā€™d say this is a not-so-tiny, passionate and articulate wuzzle on a very big topic. The illustrations are beautiful and heartfelt.

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Oct 20, 2021Liked by Kristine

thank you for the resources, need to loop in the kiddos on this one :)

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Thanks Kristine. We're always saying we're going to eat less meat, but we're pretty mindless about it. Our days of mindlessness might be running out.

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Oct 20, 2021Liked by Kristine

Your words and your sketches are appreciated. We all have much to learn and steps to take in the right direction, no matter how small. We keep trying. ā¤ļø

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