Oh my, such a wild ride!! I was quite emotional while reading this, as my dear ol' dad was a Naval Officer on a Corvette in WWll (he was 50 when I was born in '68). The name of the vessel escapes me at the moment. He was small and scrappy, much like the ship!

I was lucky enough to have grown up with him taking me out on his tiny (15'), Double Eagle motor boat every Summer into my teen years. I was interested in joining the Navy, but my dad discouraged me from a young age, for which I don't blame him a bit... he had lived through some terrifying and heartbreaking times during the war and wanted me nowhere near the military.

I'm so glad you got to have these adventures and continue to have more! Thank you very, very much for sharing these memories. Your writing really touches my heart ❤️

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Alright, that's it. When's the book coming?

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What an amazing adventure!!!!!!

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I love your stories and adore your guts. Love, Jenn

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Oh my. I felt sick with stress reading about the start of the job, and then got shivers reading about what those 2 years gave you. "What an adventure" doesn't quite say it.

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Kristine! You never cease to amaze. What an adventurous life you’ve had! You seriously need to write a book; it would be a bestseller.

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